Saturday, 21 January 2012

So on Thursday we had orientation in the morning and then a tour of Siem Reap on Tuk Tuks. For dinner we went to a buffet which was all paid for - never seen so much food in my life! And the only soft drink there was green fanta - gross :p
Friday we got up early and spent the day at Angkor Wat. The temples are absolutely beautiful. There is so much to see 1 day just wasn't enough. We only had time to see Angkor Wat and the temples in and around Angkor Thom, so a group of us are planning to go back in about a month at sunrise to see the rest :) The pictures dont do it justice!
Other fun things to share are the bugs and animals here. Yesterday I got up and went to the toilet at about 7am and shared that experience with a few frogs. Then on the way to town we nearly stood on a white and orange snake - apparently very deadly - awesome!
The mosquitoes are in abundance and the ants are 4 times the size as NZ ants. If you leave clothes on the floor then you will get scorpions in your room! And yesterday at lunch, there were rats above our heads on the beams! For someone who doesn't like bugs I'm handling it pretty well :)
Riding around on our bikes is so much fun - the roads are seriously bumpy and tuk tuks and motorbikes come far to close to you, but it gets your heart racing and is a great way to see all the shops and markets.
The poverty is hard to deal with as all the children are so beautiful and cute, you just want to help them out. But unfortunately they are only on the street to support their parents alcohol and drug addictions. So far I havn't seen anyone with no limbs or anything, so it hasn't been too bad.
We have a child protection day on Monday, which may teach us how to deal with the situations we are not so comfortable with. Otherwise, it hasn't been as scary as I thought it may have been. However that may be from the fact the I have been to Bangkok previously and now that I am older, knew what to expect.
Anyway on a lighter note: 42 below feijoa vodka (normally $50 or something in NZ) - only $5!!!! YUMMM

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